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Англо-русский политический словарь - season


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сезон; период

Silly Season

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   1. noun  1) время года  2) сезон; the (London) season - лондонский (светский) сезон (май - июль) - the dead season - the off season - the dull season  3) coll.; see season-ticket  4) пора, время, период; in the season of my youth - в годы моей юности - for a season  5) подходящее время, подходящий момент; in season and out of season -  а) кстати и некстати;  б) постоянно, всегда - out of season - a word in season  6) attr. сезонный  2. v.  1) закалять, акклиматизировать, приучать; cattle seasoned to diseases - скот, не подверженный заболеваниям;  2) выдерживать (лесной материал, вино и т.п.); сушить(ся)  3) приправлять; season your egg with salt - посоли(те) яйцо; Is this meat seasoned with onion salt?  4) придавать интерес, пикантность; I think he has been seasoning his story with a few inventions.  5) obs. смягчать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. время года the alternations of the seasons —- чередование времен года the four seasons, the seasons —- четыре времени года too warm for the season —- тепло не по сезону; теплее, чем обычно в это время года 2. сезон the dead (the dull, the off) season —- мертвый сезон; спорт. время, когда спортсмен не тренируется the London season —- лондонский (светский) сезон (май-июль) the height of the season —- разгар сезона very early in the season —- в начале сезона the rush season —- ком. сезон наибольшего спроса the football season —- футбольный сезон non-competitive season —- спорт. сезон, когда спортсмен не участвует в соревнованиях the X-mas shopping season —- дни предрождественской торговли to expect a big tourist season next year —- ожидать в будущем году сезонного наплыва туристов 3. пора, время, период the busy season —- горячая пора the blossoming season —- пора цветения close season —- время, когда охота запрещена the strawberry season —- время, когда поспевает клубника wet season —- период дождей the rainy season —- период дождей (в тропиках) the season of harvest —- время сбора урожая the honey season —- время медосбора a season for felling timber —- сезон рубок (леса) to be in season —- соответствовать сезону (поспевать, созревать и т. п.) to be out of season —- не соответствовать сезону peaches are out of season now —- сейчас персиков не бывает, персики еще не поспели...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сезон, время года 2) период, время to be in season — быть в половой охоте в течке to come in season — приходить в половую охоту в течку – bearing season – biotic season – breeding season – closed season – dormant season – drought season – egg-bearing season – fishing season – frost-free season – fruiting season – grazing season – growing season – hunting season – laying season – lean season – mating season – molting season – nonbreeding season – rutting season – sexual season – spawning season – vegetative season ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. сезон, время года - be in season - be out of season - dead season - fattening season - irrigation season - rush season - stop work for a season ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  сезон, время года - season cement - season lumber - season magnetron - season ticket - season wood - sowing season ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  период – busy season ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) сезон; время года; период 2) выдерживать; вылёживать 3) созревать 4) акклиматизировать (бумагу) 5) увлажнять (матричный картон) - fishing season - freezing season - heating season - high-water season - hurricane season - irrigation season - low-water season - melting season - melt season - monsoon season - natural synoptic season - navigation season - raining season - shipping season - shoulder season - thawing season ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) associated with a type of weather and a stage of vegetation. 2 a time of year characterized by climatic or other features (the dry season). 3 a the time of year when a plant is mature or flowering etc. b the time of year when an animal breeds or is hunted. 4 a proper or suitable time. 5 a time when something is plentiful or active or in vogue. 6 (usu. prec. by the) = high season. 7 the time of year regularly devoted to an activity (the football season). 8 the time of year dedicated to social life generally (went up to London for the season). 9 a period of indefinite or varying length. 10 Brit. colloq. = season ticket. --v. 1 tr. flavour (food) with salt, herbs, etc. 2 tr. enhance with wit, excitement, etc. 3 tr. temper or moderate. 4 tr. & intr. a make or become suitable or in the desired condition, esp. by exposure to the air or weather; mature. b make or become experienced or accustomed (seasoned soldiers). Phrases and idioms in season 1 (of foodstuff) available in plenty and in good condition. 2 (of an animal) on heat. 3 timely. season ticket a ticket entitling the holder to any number of journeys, admittances, etc., in a given period. Derivatives seasoner n. Etymology: ME f. OF seson f. L satio -onis (in Rmc sense 'seed-time') f. serere sat- sow ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sesoun, from Anglo-French seison natural ~, appropriate time, from Latin sation-, satio action of sowing, from serere to sow — more at sow  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature in a ~ of religious awakening — F. A. Christie  b. a suitable or natural time or occasion when my ~ comes to sit on David's throne — John Milton  c. an indefinite period of time ; while sent home again to her father for a ~ — Francis Hackett  2.  a. a period of the year characterized by or associated with a particular activity or phenomenon hay fever ~: as  (1) a period associated with some phase or activity of agriculture (as growth or harvesting)  (2) a period in which an animal engages in some activity (as migrating or mating); also estrus, heat  (3) the period normally characterized by a particular kind of weather a long rainy ~  (4) a period marked by special activity especially in some field tourist ~ hunting ~  (5) a period in which a place is most frequented  b. one of the four quarters into which the year is commonly divided  c. the time of a major holiday  3. year a boy of seven ~s  4. Middle English sesoun, from sesounen to ~ ~ing  5. the schedule of official games played or to be played by a sports team during a playing ~ got through the ~ undefeated  6. off-~ closed for the ~  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English sesounen, back-formation from sesounde flavored, from Anglo-French seisone brought to a desired state, from seison  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to give (food) more flavor or zest by adding ~ing or savory ingredients  b. to give a distinctive quality to as if by ~ing; especially to make more agreeable advice ~ed with wit  c. archaic to qualify by admixture ; temper  2.  a. to treat (as wood or a skillet) so as to prepare for use  b. to make fit by experience a ~ed veteran  intransitive verb to become ~ed ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (seasons, seasoning, seasoned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The seasons are the main periods into which a year can be divided and which each have their own typical weather conditions. Autumn’s my favourite season. ...the only region of Brazil where all four seasons are clearly defined. ...the rainy season. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. You can use season to refer to the period during each year when a particular activity or event takes place. For example, the planting season is the period when a particular plant or crop is planted. ...birds arriving for the breeding season... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu the -ing N 3. You can use season to refer to the period when a particular fruit, vegetable, or other food is ready for eating and is widely available. The plum season is about to begin... Now British asparagus is in season. N-COUNT: n N, also in/out of N 4. You can use season to refer to a fixed period during each year when a particular sport is played. ...the baseball season... It is his first race this season. N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp 5. A season is a period in which a play or show, or a series of plays or shows, is performed in one place. ...a season of three new plays. N-COUNT: with supp 6. A season of films is several of them shown as a series because they are connected in some way. ...a brief season of films in which Artaud appeared. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 7. The holiday or vacation season is the time when most people have their holiday. ...the peak holiday season... There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu supp N, also in/out of N 8. If you season food with salt, pepper, or spices, you add them to it in order to improve its flavour. Season the meat with salt and pepper... I believe in seasoning food before putting it on the table. VERB: V n with n, V n 9. If wood is seasoned, it is made suitable for making into furniture or for burning, usually by being...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »IN A YEAR« one of the four main periods in a year; spring, summer, autumn, or winter 2 »USUAL TIME FOR STH« a period of time in a year when something happens most often or when something is usually done  (rainy/dry/wet etc season (=when there is a lot of rain etc) | growing/raspberry/asparagus etc season (=when particular plants are growing) | hunting/shooting/fishing etc season (=when you can do that sport) | mating/breeding season (=when animals breed) | football/basketball etc season (=when a sport is officially played) | tourist season AmE, holiday season BrE (=the time of year when people come to a particular place for a holiday) | high/peak season (=the time of year when a place is most busy, especially a holiday place) | low/off/slack season (=the time of year when a place or company is not busy) | the holiday season AmE (=Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's)) 3 be in season a) if vegetables or fruit are in season, it is the time of year when they are ready to eat b) if a female animal is in season, she is ready to mate2 (1) 4 out of season a) if vegetables or fruit are out of season, it is not the time of year when they would normally become ready to eat b) if you travel or stay somewhere out of season, you do it at the time of year when most people do not 5 »FASHION« a time during which particular designs of clothes are produced and sold and are considered to be fashionable  (The Paris season began in May.) 6 »FILMS ETC« a time during which a series of films, television programmes etc is shown, especially ones made by the same person or about the same subject  (a new season of comedy on BBC) 7 season's greetings used especially on greetings cards to say that you hope someone has a happy Christmas 8 the season of good will the time around Christmas  (- see also close season, open season, silly season) ~2 v 1 to add salt, pepper etc to something you are cooking to make it taste better 2 to make wood hard and ready to use by gradually drying it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. saison "a sowing, planting," from L. sationem (nom. satio) "a sowing," from pp. stem of serere "to sow" (see sow). Sense shifted in V.L. from "act of sowing" to "time of sowing." The verb meaning "improve the flavor of by adding spices" is c.1390, from O.Fr. assaisoner "to ripen, season," on the notion of fruit becoming more palatable as it ripens. Applied to timber by 1540. In 16c., it also meant "to copulate with." Seasoning (n.) is from 1580. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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